Wilkes & Yadkin Home Builders Association is here to serve home builders in Wilkes & Yadkin Counties.
Browse our membership directory and get in touch with area builders and industry-related professionals.
VIEW MEMBERSWhen you join Wilkes & Yadkin Home Builders Association you also join the North Carolina Home Builders Association and the National Association of Home Builders.
LEARN MOREWe're excited to help direct you to and through the smoothest path possible toward that home you've always wanted...or with the latest Green Energy Technologies available as an 'upgrade' for the home you have now!
Let's get started: We represent dedicated and responsive member companies from Wilkes and Yadkin Counties, and regionally. From this web site, you may search specific categories of professional HBA member businesses. Our Builders and Trade Associates look forward to speaking with you right away.
Thank you for the opportunity to serve!
The 2023 Associate-of-the Year is...Doug Combs, with Parker's Building Supply.
The 2023 Builder-of-the-Year is...Andy Steele, with FRS Builders, LLC.
Many, many positive accolades were spoken about both members during the Christmas dinner for the Wilkes-Yadkin Home Builders Association. Their commitments to the Building Industry, Professionalism, Church, and Community were noted.
The Wilkes-Yadkin Home Builders Association/We, continue efforts to find/train/employ young, talented, good-attitude people to fill the void in skilled construction labor.
Andy Steele, of FRS Builders, (one of our Builder members & who spoke to us last week) informed that 1 in every 4 current workers is over the age of 55. And, that Nationally...some 546-thousand job openings are available within the Construction Industry and Trades.
With that in mind -- there are two on-going initiatives.
1) Andy hopes to bring to Wilkes...the "Touch A Trade" program now based in Kent, Connecticut -- that works to expose students at an earlier age to the world of construction and the many trades groups. Earnings Potential, less or no student loans, and that fact that college is not for everyone -- is a part of what "Touch A Trade" stresses -- with 500 attending an event in Connecticut late last year.
2) You could find your next employee at Wilkes Community College on February 26th...when the college again hosts the Region 7 SkillsUSA Rally and Career Showcase. From 9.15 til Noon that day, motivated students will take part and be judged on several dozen various occupational skills, including Carpentry, Welding, Architectural Drafting, Construction, Electrical Construction Wiring, Cabinetmaking, and more. Wouldn't you like to take such a student and train them in the way you run your business!
Meanwhile, applications for our HBA's Joe Faw Scholarship Fund are being received through the end of March. Some of them are likely taking part in the SkillsUSA event coming up.
Also from last week's meeting, Heather Cardwell, with Times Treasured Studios, demonstrated how various styles of photography, including enhanced 360-degree and aerial imagery, could be used through social media to attract interest in your work projects and available properties.
Newest members: Kenny and Cricket Lambert - KC Custom Construction, Kristie Miller - Miller Land Management, and Andrea Roten - Willow Tree Properties.
Your next HBA event is Thursday, March 21st, 5.30pm at Yadkin Valley Seafood, Yadkinville. And the 34 Annual Spring HBA Golf Tournament will tee off on Friday, April 5th at 0akwoods Country Club. Room for a few more teams...and various sponsorships are available.